
Bachelor of Business Administration Program

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program consists of 130 credit hours spread in 41 courses and Internship project. Out of these 41 courses, 34 courses are general core courses, five courses are compulsory concentration/major courses, and two other courses are free electives. After completion of all the courses, students are required to undergo 12+4 weeks' Internship program in a business organization. The following structure provides details of course distribution.


Type of Courses                              No. of Courses                           Credit Hours

A. General Courses                               34                                            105
B. Concentration Courses                        7                                              21
C. Internship                                                                                          4
                                                      _______                              ________
                                                          41                                           130     



1. Accounting
2. Finance, Real Estate, and Law
3. Marketing
4. Human Resources Management
5. Industrial Management
6. International Business
7. Management Information System (MIS)

The General Courses will be offered in the first, second, third, and a part of fourth year of the program. On successful completion of General Courses, the students will choose an area of concentration from among those offered by the University, provided at least six students sign up to enroll into that area of concentration. Free electives may be taken from the area(s) which the concerned student has not already taken as major, provided at least six students must sign up to enroll into free elective (minor) courses. Students may choose free-electives from their major areas too if they want to, however provided that six students must sign up to enroll into those course(s).

The Internship program is to be carried out in a business organization, usually in the form of applied research work in the relevant area of concentration. The Internship program will be offered at the end of fourth year (final year) of study. The grade obtained in the Internship program will affect the CGPA, and 4 credit hour of weight is allotted for the program.



First Year  

Semester I :


Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hr.


HSS 101
HSS 111

HSS 131
ECN 111
CST 100


English I : Oral and Written Communication Skills
Bangladesh Studies (a) Society and Culture
     (b) Bangladesh History
Business Communication
Principles of Micro Economics
Computer Skills



Semester II :



HSS 103
BMT 101
ECN 113
ACN 111
INS 101



English II : Language Composition
Business Mathematics
Principles of Macro Economics
Financial Accounting I
Introduction to  (a) Physical Sciences
                           (b) Biological Sciences




Second Year  

Semester I:



Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hr.

HSS 201
MHR 201
ACN 211
MHR 203
MIS 201
MHR 205

Introduction to Economic Geography
Administration, Office Management and Secretarial Practice
Financial Accounting II
Organizational Behavior
Business Statistics        I
Principles of Management



Semester II :



MIS 203          Business Statistics II
ACN 213         Management Accounting
FRL 201          Business Law
ECN 201         Introduction to Development Economics
MKT 201         Introduction to Marketing

Summer Semester : Industrial visit





Third Year

Semester I :


Course Code


Course Title


Credit Hr.

FRL 301
MKT 301
MIS 301
MHR 301
IMG 301

Introduction to Managerial Finance
Marketing Management
Business Research Methodology
Human Resources Management
Production and Operations Management



Semester II :

IBS 301
MHR 303
FRL 303
FRL 305
MIS 303


International Business
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Managerial Finance
Principles of Banking and Insurance
Introduction to MIS




Fourth Year  

Semester I :



Course Code                            Course Title


Credit Hr.


MHR 401
IMG 401
IMG 403
One free elective
One major course


Strategic Management
Project Management
Principles of Total Quality Management



Semester II :

(a) Four major courses (3 credits each)                                                               12
(b) One free elective course                                                                                 3

Summer Semester :       Internship Program         ( 12 + 4 weeks)                         4
                                  & Comprehensive Examination




Elective Major courses/free elective for non-major courses :

Course                       Course
Code                          Title

ACN 401        Cost Accounting
ACN 403        Taxation and Auditing Practices
ACN 405        Advanced Financial Accounting
ACN 407        Advanced Management Accounting
ACN 409        Accounting Information System
                        and Computer Applications
ACN 411        International Accounting
FRL 401         Company Law


Elective Major courses /free elective for non-major courses :

Course                       Course
Code                          Title

FRL 403         Public Finance and Taxation Practices
FRL 405         Capital Budgeting
FRL 401         Company Law
FRL 407         International Finance
FRL 409         Financial Institutions
FRL 411         Investment Management
FRL 413         Bank and Insurance Management
FRL 415         Real Estate Principles



Elective Major courses /free elective for non-major courses :

Course                       Course
Code                          Title

MKT 401        Consumer Behavior
MKT 403        Advertising
MKT 405        Selling & Salesmanship
MKT 407        International Marketing        

MKT 409        Introduction to Marketing Research
MKT 411        Brand Management
MKT 413        Business Logistics
MKT 415        Retail Management
MKT 417        Introduction to Strategic Marketing
MKT 419        Industrial Marketing


Elective Major courses /free elective for non-major courses :

Course                       Course
Code                          Title

MHR 403        Human Resource Planning
MHR 405        Compensation Management
MHR 407        Industrial Law and Labor Relations
MHR 409        Training and Development Management
MHR 411        Industrial Psychology
MHR 413        Strategic Human Resources Management
MHR 415        Labor Economics


Elective Major courses /free elective for non-major courses :

Course                       Course
Code                          Title

MHR 407        Industrial Law and Labor Relations
IMG 405         Production Planning and Inventory Control
IMG 407         Materials Management
IMG 409         Operations Research          
IMG 411         Management Science Applications in Operations
IMG 413         Productivity and Quality Management
MKT 419        Industrial Marketing



Elective Major courses /free elective for non-major courses :

Course                       Course
Code                          Title

ECN 401        Comparative Economic System

ECN 403        International Economics
MKT 407        International Marketing
MKT 413        Business Logistics
FRL 407         International Finance
FRL 417         Analytical Study of International Trade Agreements
FRL 419         Legal Environment of International Business



Elective Major courses /free elective for non-major courses :

Course                       Course
Code                          Title

MIS 411          Computer Programming
MIS 413          System Analysis and Design
MIS 415          Database Management and Development
ACN 409        Accounting Information System
                        and Computer Applications
MIS 417          Local Area Networking
MIS 401          Executive Information System
IMG 411         Technology Management in MIS


Course Description


HSS 101 :        English I - Oral and Written Communication Skills
                        3.00 credits

Oral & written communication skills include communicative expressions for day to day activities, both for personal and professional requirement. Grammar items will mainly emphasize the use of  articles, numbers, tense, modal verbs, pronouns, punctuation, etc. Sentence formation, question formation, transformation of sentence, simple passive voice construction, conditionals will also be covered.

HSS 111 :        Bangladesh Studies
                        Total : 4.00 credits
Part A    :         Society and Culture
                        2.00 credits
The Sociological Perspective, Primary Concepts, Factors of social life, Social Structure and Process, Social Institutions, Culture and Civilization, City and Country, Social Change, Problems of Society, Social Problems of Bangladesh, Urbanization Process and its impact on Bangladesh Society will be covered.

Part B     :        Bangladesh History
                        2.00 credits
The land, the geographical factor, and the people of Bangladesh. Historical perspectives: Ancient Bengal, Early Medieval Bengal, Late Medieval Bengal, Beginning of British rule in Bengal, Nineteenth century Bengali Renaissance and area of social and religious reforms, Partition of Bengal and its annulment, Bengal politics in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Elections of 1936-37, Pakistan movement, Partition of Bengal (1947), Language Movement (1952), Movement for autonomy, 6-point and 11-point programs, the 1970 election, Genocide in East Pakistan, The Liberation War, the emergence of Bangladesh as a sovereign independent state in 1971.

Course CST 100 :       Computer skills
                                    3 credits

Computer fundamentals : Some basic concepts about computer. DOS : Some useful commands of DOS e' their uses. Windows : Concepts, icon, toolbar, windows, file manager, program item, program run, control panel. Ms-Word : File open, save, edit. e' details of MS-Word. Excel : Calculation, function, chart. e' details of Excel. Foxpro :         File creation, sorting, reporting,indexing, displaying. Antiviruses: Functions, use of some antivirus programs. Hand on experience with computer. Utility S/W : NORTON Utility S/W.

ECN 111         Introduction to Micro Economics
                        3 credits
This course introduces the basic concepts of Micro-Economics. Major topics in the course include theory of demand and supply, theory of utility, equilibrium of a firm under various markets, and theory of production and cost.

HSS 131          Business Communication
                        3 credits
Theory and Process of communication; Barriers to Effective communication; Communication skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking skills; Written communication: letters, memos and formal reports; Oral communication; Use of visual aids in communication; Use of Non-verbal communication; Effective Business Meeting; and Internal Communication.

HSS 103          English II :  Language Composition
                        3.00 credits
Writing skills include sentence construction, grammar review, paragraph writing, and writing essay from paragraph. Specific applications include writing formal letter, resume/CV, report, memo, etc. Reading skills include reading for main ideas, using contexts for vocabulary, scanning for details, making inferences. Oral presentations cover oral reports, interviews, and communication over telephone.

BMT 101        Business Mathematics
                        3.00 credits
Elements of  coordinate geometry, linear functions, linear programming, non-linear functions and applications, mathematics of finance, matrix algebra,  Differential and Integral Calculus are covered. Methods of solving business problems by utilizing mathematical tools are reviewed at length.

ECN 113         Introduction to Macro-Economics
                        3 credits
This course deals with the basic concepts of Macro - Economics. Topics included are National Income, ways of computing National Income, theory of income determination, savings, consumption, and investment, theory of money and inflation, banking principles of central bank and commercial banks, and economic planning in Bangladesh.

ACN 111        Financial Accounting I
                        3 credits

This course includes introduction to basic accounting principles, accounting equation, fundamentals of double entry system, journal, ledger, trial balance, errors and their rectification,

adjusting and closing entries. Preparation of financial statements for both the service and merchandising concerns is covered. Technique of understanding and analyzing financial statements is introduced.

INS 101          Introduction to  Natural Sciences
                                    (a) Physical Sciences             2.00 credits
                                    (b) Biological Sciences           2.00 credits
                        Total                                                    4.00 credits

(a) Physical Sciences:
Physics : Vectors and Scalars, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, Projectile Motion. Heat and Temperature, Thermal Expansion, Longitudinal and Transverse Waves, Sound, Velocity of Sound, Infrasonic and Ultrasonic Waves, Supersonics. Reflection and Refraction of Light, Total Internal Reflection, Interference and Diffraction, Coulomb’s Law, Ohm’s law, Resistance, Potential Difference, Capacitance, Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge, Electromagnetic Induction, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Atoms and Nuclei, Mass Number and Atomic Number, Isotopes and Isobars, Bohr’s Atomic Theory, Planck’s Law, Special Relativity.

Chemistry: Nature of Atoms and Molecules, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonds, States of Matter, Gas Laws, Ideal Gas Equation, Liquid State, Vapour Pressure, Boiling Point, Surface Tension, Viscosity, Solid State, Amorphous and Crystalline Solids, Crystal Types. Chemical Reactions, Reactions among the Atoms and Molecules of the Same Kind and Different Kinds, Acids, Salts and Bases, Alkalis and their Properties.

Astronomy: Structure of the Universe, Light year, Cosmological Principle, Hubble’s Law and Red Shift, Big Bang Theory, Planetary Motion, Solar System, Laws of Planetary Orbits, Gravitation, Escape Velocity, Stellar Energy, Neutron Stars, Quasars, Supernovae, Pulsars, Black Holes.       

(b) Biological Sciences:
The course is designed to give an understanding of basic concepts and principles of Biological Sciences. Topics include nature and scope of biological science, the chemistry of life, cell, DNA, origin of life, nomenclature and classification of living things, plant anatomy, photosynthesis, reproduction in plants, animal kingdom, eco system, tissues, organs, systems, human digestive system, blood, nutrition, circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, useful microbes, some important infectious diseases, immune system, genetics, antibiotics, genetic engineering, biotechnology.

HSS 201          Introduction to Economic Geography
                        3 credits

The course introduces the nature and scope of Economic Geography, the field and environment of Economic Geography; Bases of Economic Geography: Relief, Climate, Vegetation, Soils, and

population; Primary activities: Types and brief descriptions; Secondary activates: Types and factors, Factors of Localization, Utilities, technical and professional services; Economic Geography of Bangladesh will be briefly covered.

MHR 201       Administration, Office Management, and Secretarial Practice
                        3 credits
This course deals with important aspects of general administration, office management, and secretarial practice. Emphasis is placed on the functional aspects of administration and office management which include planning, organizing, and utilizing managerial and physical facilities, records, equipment, methods of internal office communication as well as ways of conducting meeting and keeping minutes. Topics include space management, office communication, record management, office system and secretarial practice. Technological trends in office management and impact on secretarial practices will also be covered.

ACN 211         Financial Accounting II
                        3 credits
The course provides further analysis of financial accounting and reporting issues. It includes inventory accounting and reporting of income, accounting for intangible assets, accounting for fixed assets,  valuation of long-term liabilities, regulations and conventions relating to corporate accounting and reporting practices, partnership accounting; corporate accounting; and accounting for banking companies.

MHR 203        Organizational Behavior
                        3 credits
Nature and scope of Organizational Behavior; evolution of organizational behavior; Individual behavior- personality, learning, and perceptions; Values, attitude, and beliefs; Motivation; Group dynamics; inter-group and intra-group communication; Group decision making process; power, politics and conflict; process of resolving conflicts; theories of leadership; elements of organizational culture; organizational change and development, technique for dealing with resistance to change.

MIS 201         Business Statistics I
                        3.00 credits
Introduction to statistics; collection, processing and presentation of statistical data; measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion; elementary probability theories; interpolation and extrapolation; index numbers; simple correlation and regression analysis; application of statistics in quality control.

MHR 205       Principles of Management
                        3.00 Credits

Meaning and Importance of Management; Evolution of Management thought; Decision making process; environmental impact on management; Corporate social responsibility; Basic functions of management - Planning; setting objectives; Implementing plans; Organizing; Organization

design; Human resource management: Direction; Motivation; Leadership; Managing work groups; Controlling: Control principles; Process; and problems; Managers and Changing Environment.

MIS 203         Business Statistics II
                        3.00 credits
The course covers further topics in descriptive statistics; probability theory and application; Discrete and Continuous probability distributions; Sampling and Sampling distribution; Statistical inference; Tests of hypotheses; Analysis of variance; Simple Liner Regression and Correlation; Multiple linear regression; Testing the Goodness of Fit; Decision Theory.

ACN 213         Management Accounting
                        3 credits
This course is designed to equip students with tools and techniques of accounting for management decision making, such as analysis and interpretation of financial statements, concept of cost, element of cost, cost centers, cost drivers, cost classification, job order costing, process costing, break-even analysis, Cost-volume-profit analysis, differential accounting, responsibility accounting, pricing, budgeting and budgetary control.

FRL 201         Business Law
                        3 credits
This course deals with the laws that influence the business and business environment. The course will cover the important aspects of the Law of Contract: Agreement; Consideration; Misrepresentation; Void and voidable contracts; Sale of goods: Discharge; Remedies; Law of Agencies; Negotiable Instruments Act, Company Law. Labour Law and Acts concerning payment of Wages, Employment and non-employment in factories, shops and establishments; Workmen's Compensation; industrial disputes, Trade Unions and CBA, operation of Labour Court will be discussed at length.

ECN 201         Introduction to Development Economics
                        3 credits
Nature and scope of Development Economics, relationship with micro and macro economics, Growth models for economic planning, secular decline in terms of trade, choice of technology, environmental impact, Human Development Index, provision for social and physical infrastructure, and contemporary issues concerning the developing countries of the world , with particular reference to Bangladesh.

MKT 201        Introduction to Marketing
                        3 credits

The course introduces the role and functions of marketing; evolution of marketing as a science; elements of marketing mix; analyzing marketing environment and activities; defining products

regulation of prices and competition; principles of distribution; role and functions of promotion; marketing of services; marketing of  industrial goods; cooperative marketing; measuring marketing efficiency, marketing audit.

FRL 301          Introduction to Managerial Finance
                        3 credits         
This course covers basic concepts in finance and analytical tools used in business finance. Topics include: basic principles of corporate finance; analysis of risk and return; cost of capital; analysis of time value of money; elementary capital budgeting; capital structure; working capital management ; and financial statement analysis.

MKT 301        Marketing Management
                        3 credits
This course deals with nature and scope of marketing management, ethical and social consideration in marketing science, marketing objectives, review of marketing mix and its elements, analyzing marketing environment, understanding the consume behavior; Market segmentation and product positioning. The course will also cover topics like formulation of marketing strategy; Product-Market strategy and product decisions; Promotion strategy and promotion mix; Pricing policy and strategy; Distribution strategy; Marketing research and decision making ; preparation of Marketing plan; Marketing budget and allocation of resources; organizing and  executing marketing programs; evaluating and controlling marketing performance.

MIS 303          Business Research Methodology
                        3 credits
The course introduces the nature and scope of business research methodology, objectives and functions of business research, diagnosing the business problem, research planning, formulation of hypothesis and uses in research; deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning; observation, participation and experiment, analogy and inference; explanation and causation; concepts constructs, variables and paradigm; measurement and scaling techniques; test of reliability and validity; generalization of hypothesis and extending it to theoretical remark. It will also cover the steps followed in conducting a research: problem definition, formulation of hypothesis, research design, data collection, data summarization and analysis, presentation and report writing, use of research findings.

MHR 301       Human Resource Management
                        3 credits

This course is designed to orient the students with the principles of human resource management and contemporary practices. Topics include nature and scope of human resource management, evolution of human resource management, environmental constraints, human resource planning and forecasting, job design and analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development wage and salary administration, fringe benefits, labor relations management, human resource audit and research.

MIS 301         Introduction to MIS
                        3 credits
This course deals with the design of management information system and specific aspects of management control resulting from the system. It covers topics like hierarchy of information and control system, elements of a good information system, technological developments in the field of MIS, advantages of technology in the field of MIS, system planning and design for efficient flow of information, financial control system, accounting control system, budgetary information system and control , marketing information system, human resource information system, performance evaluation and review of the information system..

IBS 301           International Business
                        3 credits
The course covers the nature and scope of international business and its environment; the international monetary exchange; cultural and political implication of international business; national boundaries, nationalism and the multinational firm; financial trade-oriented institutions; international liquidity; balance of payments; financial instruments; international trade laws and scope of arbitration; fundamentals of export and import management; economic integration, alliances and cooperation; inflation, devaluation, appreciation, and depreciation, and their impact on the international trade; global business strategy.

MHR 303       Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
                        4 credits
This course aims at orienting the students with the process of entrepreneurship development along with tools and techniques for managing small business enterprises. The human factors, the organizational factors, and the motivation factors of entrepreneurship development are discussed in detail. Topics include entrepreneurship and theory; entrepreneurial success and impact of environmental variables; opportunity identification and assessment, entrepreneurial start-up strategies, the business plan, sources and ways of financing, launching the business, functional aspects of small business management, challenges to the small businesses.

FRL 303         Managerial Finance
                        3 credits
The course discusses the principles and practices of financial management. Topics include Financial analysis and Control: Financial ratio analysis, Sources and uses of funds, Management of current assets: management of working capital, cash and securities, accounts receivable, and inventory ; concepts of operating and financial leverage; capital budgeting techniques; portfolio management, further concepts of corporate finance.

FRL 305          Principles of Banking & Insurance
                        3 credits
The course deals with the basics of the banking systems, including its utility, scope, and principles. Role of central bank, types of banking institution, consumer banking, corporate banking, development banking, and role of banks in the total economic system. Insurance principles covers the nature of risks faced by individuals, groups, organizations, and society as a whole and the availability and selection of insurance coverage. It also examines institutions and operation of insurance companies in Bangladesh.

IMG 301         Production and Operations Management
                        3 credits
The course is aimed at developing a comprehensive understanding of production and operations in organization. Topics include production system, manufacturing policy decisions, product design & development, time and motion study, material flow process, inventory planning and control, production planing and control, maintenance management, statistical quality control;   plant layout and location analysis.

MHR 401       Strategic Management
                        3 credits
The course aims at providing conceptual knowledge of strategic management that is necessary for developing integrative decisions making skills. Basic business functions will be integrated so as to provide an understanding of the total process of business management. The course includes topics on formulation of business strategies, strategic planning and SWOT analysis, implication of organizational structure and process, utilization of the management information system, control and coordination system, staffing and rewarding, management development, developing and nurturing leadership, strategy for evaluating available alternatives, and strategic decision making. The course will also cover some case studies related to the practices of strategic management both in home and abroad.

IMG 401         Project Management
                        3 credits
The course covers the nature an scope of project management, importance of project management under the perspective of a developing country, project identification, preparation, and project appraisal methods, implementation of project and feed back, post-project evaluation, project scheduling and network analysis, control principles, management information system in project management.

IMG 403         Principles of Total Quality Management
                        3 credits

The course covers basics of total quality management including nature and scope of quality management, defining the term quality under the situational perspective, principles of quality management, implication of regulatory measures upon the total quality management, interface of total quality management with functional areas of business like finance, marketing, human resource management, and production, environmental issues and urge for quality management.


ACN 401         Cost Accounting
                        3 credits
The course covers objectives, importance, and scope of cost accounting, store-keeping and inventory control; valuation of inventory; accounting for labour cost ; chargeable expenses; manufacturing and non-manufacturing overheads; job order costing and preparation of quotation; process costing; standard costs; variance analysis; statement of cost of production.
ACN 403         Taxation and Auditing Practices
                        3 credits
Principles of taxation, issues in taxation, tax structure, implication for individual and business, shifting and incidence of taxation, incomes taxes - personal income tax and corporate income tax, taxes on wealth, taxes on consumption, tax issues relevant to Bangladesh. Auditing practices include nature and scope of auditing, objectives of auditing, legal framework for auditing, auditing qualification, basic functions of auditing, importance and types of evidence of transaction, identifying and preventing frauds, mistakes, and loss of information.
ACN 405         Advanced Financial Accounting
                        3 credits
This course covers advanced topics in financial accounting including special journals, rectification entries, review of accounting for merchandising concern, further topics in accounting for banking and non-banking companies, accounting for non-trading enterprises, accounting for insurance companies, accounting for incomplete records, accounting for partnership concerns, departmental accounting, corporate accounting including issues of shares, debenture, and redemption of debenture, analysis of financial statements.
ACN 407         Advanced Management Accounting
                        3 credits

The course deals in advanced topics in management accounting including further deliberation on cost-volume-profit analysis, job order costing and preparation of competitive quotation, further topics in process costing, differential accounting, further topics in responsibility accounting, contract costing, capital budgeting, , accounting treatment of price level changes, and sensitivity analysis.

ACN 409         Accounting Information System and Computer Application
                        3 credits
The course deals in identifying information requirement for accounting purposes, and developing an information system by utilizing the power of  computer software packages. The course attempts to provide a knowledge base on systematic process of identifying organizational objective, identifying accounting information required to aid in attaining those objectives, developing an information system that will efficiently provide the management with required information, and utilizing computer software packages for the purpose. It will orient the students with the contemporary accounting softwares and general software packages that can be utilized for processing accounting information.

ACN 411         International Accounting       
                        3 credits
International accounting environment-transnational corporation, effect of free market economy, effect of globalization strategy, monetary units of global trade, uniformity of international accounting standards, accounting for foreign currency transaction, disclosure of international financial affairs.

FRL  401         Company Law             (common for Accounting and Finance major)
                        3 credits
The course deals in nature and scope of company law, formation of company, legal status of company, advantages and disadvantages of company, rights and liabilities of directors of different types of companies including banking companies, regulations regarding dividends and transfer of shares both for banking and non-banking companies, implication on income tax, legal framework for accounting reports, process of winding up of companies, contemporary issues and case studies on company law.

FRL 403          Public Finance and Taxation Practices

3 credits
The course deals in fiscal functions & institutions; public goods, public choice & fiscal policies; structure, growth, policy issues & cost-benefit analysis of public expenditures; public borrowing and other sources of public revenue; fiscal policy, government budgeting; public pricing and environmental policy, international public finance, development finance. The course also covers issues in tax structure; principles of taxation; economic and social implication of taxation on individuals and on business enterprises; review of incidence of taxation; objectives and scope of different types of taxes - personal and corporate income taxes, wealth tax, consumption tax, and their economic and social implication. It also covers taxation accounting under the contemporary legal perspective.

FRL 405          Capital Budgeting
                        3 credits
Principles of capital budgeting; review of the concepts of time value and discounted cash-flow; basic measures of capital investment desirability; competing investments and conflicting profitability measures; capital rationing; risk conflicting profitability measures; risk analysis; financing capital investments; cost of capital; capital structure and value; contemporary issues in capital budgeting and case studies.

FRL  401         Company Law             (common for Accounting and Finance major)
                        3 credits
The course deals in nature and scope of company law, formation of company, legal status of company, advantages and disadvantages of company, rights and liabilities of directors of different types of companies including banking companies, regulations regarding dividends and transfer of shares both for banking and non-banking companies, implication on income tax, legal framework for accounting reports, process of winding up of companies, contemporary issues and case studies on company law.
FRL 407          International Finance
                        3 credits
The course deals with the nature and scope of international finance, financial environment, and their implication for the business enterprise. Source of mechanism and instruments of international finance are covered. It also discusses exchange rates and policy issues; spot, forward, and swap transactions of exchange, instruments of international payment, balance of payment, import and export financing and risk management.

FRL 409          Financial Institutions

Roles, functions and interrelationship of the monetary authorities of Bangladesh and commercial banks; Management of central banking system; supervision over commercial banks; minimum reserve requirement; control on money supply; credit policy; problems of commercial banking

with respect to lending, investment, deposit taking, cheque clearance, minimum reserve requirement and branch banking; issues relating to bank audit, operation of money, discount and government securities.

FRL 411          Investment Management
                        3 credits
The course covers the valuation o common stock, preferred stock, bonds, convertible bond, and stock warrant, portfolio analysis and selection, risk associated with portfolio investment, security analysis, roles and functions of financial intermediaries in the investment process.

FRL 413          Bank & Insurance Management
                        3 credits
The course reviews the principles of banking and banking systems, explains the role of central bank, the structure and operation of Bangladesh Bank and its policy and procedure used in controlling the money supply and banking  system.; discusses consumer banking, corporate banking, development banking, and management principles for banking companies. Insurance management covers further topics on the nature of risks faced by individuals, groups, organizations, and society as a whole and the availability and selection of insurance coverage.

FRL 415          Real Estate Principles
                        3 credits
Nature and scope of real estate business, implication for the economy, public land use controls, environmental controls, real estate ownership and legal instruments, forces affecting urban development, real estate market analysis, value measurement, real estate financing, cooperatives, and manufactures

MKT 401        Consumer Behavior
                        3 credits

Review of marketing concept and introduction to consumer behavior; utility and need satisfaction; consumer adoption and diffusion process, pre-purchase, purchase and post purchase behavior; product involvement and type of purchase decision; understanding consumer; developing portfolio of consumer characteristics by considering demographic, social and psychographic factors; influences of external factors; model of human behavior, classification of situation influencing consumer behavior; consumer decision process; consumer movement and

consumerism; institutional buying behavior; consumer and price; consumer and institutional decision;  personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and their effect on consumer behavior.


MKT 403        Advertising
                        3 credits
Definition, scope, and functions of advertising; classification of advertising , advertisement as  a promotional mix element: advertising media; print media and electronic media; outdoor advertising; nontraditional advertising; message development, layout and copy writing, non-media advertising: corporate advertising and public relations; agency-client relations; agency-client relationship; social, legal, and ethical issues of advertising.

MKT 405        Selling and Salesmanship
                        3 credits
Importance and scope of selling; sales as a profession; selling tasks; order processing and creative selling; creative selling process; prospecting and sales presentation; demonstration, objection handling; closing the sales; follow-up; managing sales; sales planning and advertising; managing sales effort; recruitment, selection, training, organizing, supervision, motivation, compensation and evaluation of sales people; territory planning and quota administration.

MKT 407        International Marketing
                        3 credits
Nature and scope of international trade; theories of international trade; barter trade and counter trade; international marketing environment; modes of international trade; entry strategy; formulation of international marketing strategy; international marketing research; international marketing strategy for marketing mix elements - product, promotion, price, logistics and distribution; organization structure and control; trends and perspectives of international marketing.

MKT 409        Introduction to Marketing Research
                        3 credits
Definition, scope and use of research;  need for information; types of research; type and source of information; research methods; methods of collecting data, measurement and scale, designing instruments for collection of information, field operation, data summarization, analysis and interpretation of findings, presentation of findings and use of research findings.

MKT 411        Brand Management 

            3 credits
Nature and scope of brand management; its advantages and implications; functions of  brand management; responsibility of a brand over its life cycle; developing new brands; management of breadth and width of a product line; designing a pricing and a promotional strategy for the brands; developing distribution system for the brands, auditing of brand management.

MKT 413        Business Logistics
                        3 credits
Meaning and scope of logistics; elements of logistics functions; order processing; inventory planning and control, transportation, warehousing and material handling. Concept of trade-off between logistics functions; cost of logistics services; production scheduling and materials management; customer services planning and control; use of customer service as a competitive tool.

MKT 415        Retail Management
                        3 credits
Scope and importance of retailing as a marketing institution; services of retailing; large scale retailing; integrated and independent retailing; controlling and coordination of independent retailers activities; wheel of retailing and retail mortality. Retailing in Bangladesh: store vs. non-store retailing and its socio-economic importance; standardization of retailing services; future trend.

MKT 417        Introduction to Strategic Marketing
                        3 credits
The course discusses and integrates functions of marketing and roles of marketing mix elements in attaining the objectives of business enterprises. It covers the scope and effects of integrated marketing effort in conjunction to other functional areas of  the organization. Global perspective is kept in view to provide a knowledge base on marketing competitiveness, along with the tools and techniques for creating synergy of integrated marketing efforts.

MKT 419        Industrial Marketing
                        3 credits
The course reviews the basics of marketing, and discusses further topics in industrial marketing including identifying prospect, identifying the requirement, planning promotional mix, pricing of industrial products, distribution strategy, sales planning, sales presentation, handling objection, after sales service and implication on price, promotion, and distribution strategy.



MHR 403        Human Resource Planning
                        3 credits
Importance of  human resource planning; issues in human resource planning; planning model; determination of future human resource requirements; determination future human resource availability; assessing gaps and objectives; action planning to match the gaps; human resource information system; manpower planning as the basis of recruitment, selection, training, and phasing out; a system approach to annual manpower planning exercise.

MHR 405        Compensation Management
                        3 credits
Process of developing a pay level and pay structure; designing and effective pay systems; types of pay systems; administering a` pay systems; issues in administering a pay systems; development of benefits; types of major benefits; benefits administration; benefits objectives and evaluation; controlling benefit costs.

MHR 407        Industrial Law and Labor Relations
                        3 credits
Scope of industrial law, factories act, workmen’s compensation act, trade union act, collective bargaining agent and trade union activities, scope of  industrial relations, changing socio-economic environment, evolution of trade unionism, structure and activities of trade unions, environment of bargaining, bargaining power, bargaining structure and bargaining issues, public sector differences, contract administration, grievance procedures, industrial relations in nonunion organization and non-formal sector, industrial relations and employee productivity, employee relations programs.

MHR 409        Training and Development Management
                        3 credits
Nature and scope of raining and development function; strategy and training; organizations of the training department; training needs assessment; learning and behavior; designing of training programs; evaluation of training programs; training techniques; technical training; training and development of managers; training in organization development; theory and practice of career development; developing career structures; identifying organizational needs; institutionalizing the career development system; evaluating the system.

MHR 411        Industrial Psychology
                        3 credits

The course discusses human behavior in an organizational context; dynamics of motivation in an organization; stress in an organizational situation and individuals' reaction to stress; group dynamics; group problem solving and decision making; change and reaction to change

characteristics of a formal organization and their influence on individuals' personality; congruent vs. incongruent goals of organization and the individuals.


MHR 413        Strategic Human Resources Management
                        3 credits
The course introduces the strategic nature of human resources management by looking at the importance of human factors in attaining organizational goals. Strategic implication of  employees performance along with a portfolio of employee characteristics is looked into by considering the effect of employee morale and situational factors upon the work behavior. The course also covers the interface of human resource management functions with other functional areas of management.

MHR 415        Labour Economics
                        3 credits
Scope of labour economics, demand for labour; quasi-fixed labour costs; supply of labour; labour unions and collective bargaining; household production models; investment in human capital; education and training; earnings differentials; compensation differentials; discrimination; compensation structure; unemployment and inflation and labour market issues in Bangladesh.


MHR 407        Industrial Law and Labor Relations
                        3 credits
Scope of industrial law, factories act, workmen’s compensation act, trade union act, collective bargaining agent and trade union activities, scope of  industrial relations, changing socio-economic environment, evolution of trade unionism, structure and activities of trade unions, environment of bargaining, bargaining power, bargaining structure and bargaining issues, public sector differences, contract administration, grievance procedures, industrial relations in nonunion organization and non-formal sector, industrial relations and employee productivity, employee relations programs.

IMG 405         Production Planning & Inventory Control
                        3 credits
The course covers production planning, production scheduling; and inventory control decisions in manufacturing and service organizations; special topics include: manufacturing resource planning; use of inventory control in buffering manufacturing activities.

 IMG 407         Materials Management
                        3 credits
Management of flow of line materials in relation to market demand, prices, supplier performance, availability of materials, customer service, and other related issues. Special topics include: material resource planning; value analysis, and supplier development.
IMG  409        Operation research
                         3 credits
Introduction to operation research; review of probability concepts; conditional and expected value ; value of information; utility as basis for decision making; decision theory; game theory; linear programming: the simplex method, the dual problem and the transportation problem; waiting line and simulation; practical application.

IMG 411         Management Science Applications in Production
                        3 credits         
A problem-solving approach to production and inventory management; use of quantitative and model-based approach and decision science orientation; use of computer-based models, real or simulation will be particularly examined.

IMG 413         Productivity and Quality Management
                        3 credits
Concept of productivity; measurement of productivity; long vs. short term productivity; factors in productivity; reasons for low productivity; measures to improve productivity; developing a productivity orientation in the organization; reward-punishment system for productivity enhancement. Quality management covers the scope and measurement of quality; concept of total quality management (TQM), management approaches; review of concepts, and techniques for the monitoring and improvement of product and process quality; developing standards for quality of product, process, and service, developing a corporate orientation for TQM.

MKT 419        Industrial Marketing
                        3 credits
The course reviews the basics of marketing, and discusses further topics in industrial marketing including identifying prospect, identifying the requirement, planning promotional mix, pricing of industrial products, distribution strategy, sales planning, sales presentation, handling objection, after sales service and implication on price, promotion, and distribution strategy.


ECN 401         Comparative Economic System and International Trade
                        3 credits

The course discusses the varying economic systems of different countries of the world and its impact on international trade. However, it will particularly look into the post communism trends of international economies and implication of free market economic policies as are gradually being adopted by most of the countries.

MKT 407        International Marketing
                        3 credits
Nature and scope of international trade; theories of international trade; barter trade and counter trade; international marketing environment; modes of international trade; entry strategy; formulation of international marketing strategy; international marketing research; international marketing strategy for marketing mix elements - product, promotion, price, logistics and distribution; organization structure and control; trends and perspectives of international marketing.

MKT 413        Business Logistics
                        3 credits
Meaning and scope of logistics; elements of logistics functions; order processing; inventory planning and control, transportation, warehousing and material handling. Concept of trade-off between logistics functions; cost of logistics services; production scheduling and materials management; customer services planning and control; use of customer service as a competitive tool.

FRL 407          International Finance
                        3 credits
The course deals with the nature and scope of international finance, financial environment, and their implication for the business enterprise. Source of mechanism and instruments of international finance are covered. It also discusses exchange rates and policy issues; spot, forward, and swap transactions of exchange, instruments of international payment, balance of payment, import and export financing and risk management.

FRL 417          Analytical Study of International Trade Agreements
                        3 credits
The course covers analytical study of contemporary international trade agreements. The course will critically examine the economic and social features of signatories, identify their potential interest, and advantage and disadvantages of entering into such trade agreements.

FRL 419          Legal Environment of International Business
                        3 creditsThe course covers international laws regarding trade, trade disputes and arbitration, international trade bodies and their roles in the legal system, international arbitration bodies and their jurisdiction and functions in resolving trade disputes.

ECN 403         International Economics
                        3 credits
The course covers the concept of comparative advantage; gains from trade; standard and alternative trade theories; international trade; monopoly and cartels; economic integration; factor movement; foreign exchange; balance of payments and adjustment policies; fixed and flexible exchange  rates; international monetary system; role of international trade and aid in economic development; international lending and technical assistance programs.


ACN 409         Accounting Information System and Computer Application
                        3 credits
The course deals in identifying information requirement for accounting purposes, and developing an information system by utilizing the power of computer software packages. The course attempts to provide a knowledge base on systematic process of identifying organizational objective, identifying accounting information required to aid in attaining those objectives, developing an information system that will efficiently provide the management with required information, and utilizing computer software packages for the purpose. It will orient the students with the contemporary accounting softwares and general software packages that can be utilized for processing accounting information.

MIS 401          Executive Information Systems
The course covers issues related to management of computer-based MIS; Topics include: planning and administration; control and evaluation; organization and personnel required in managing MIS. Special topics include: technical and societal issues, and managerial issues.

MIS 411          Computer Programming
                        3 credits

Introduction to structured programming concepts and program development process; Topics include: problem analysis, development of algorithm, flow charts, and program development.

Understanding programming languages and choosing a programming language to learn and write a program; Use of EDP and computer programming in the selected language (s) for problem analysis and decision making.


MIS 413          System Analysis and Design
                        3 credits
Introduction to systems and models; simulation; Introduction to programming; Value analysis and iterative process; Queuing concepts; Matrix methods; Management Planning Methods (PERT, CPI) Application of systems in practical problem solution.

MIS 415          Database Management and Development
                        3 credits
The course covers objectives and methods of database management, data models, elementary database design, fourth generation programming languages, data integrity, security, and privacy.

MIS 417          Local Area Networking
                        3 credits
The course covers nature an scope of networking operation, networking principles, methods and instruments for local area networking, networking utilities, software for networking, security of data and troubleshooting.

IMG  419        Technology Management in MIS
                        3 credits
The course deals in the importance of technology in carrying on MIS functions, pace of change of technology and implication for the MIS, forecasting changes in technology and adaptive measures, contemporary technological trend in the field of management, identifying information requirement and selecting the right technology, process of adopting innovation, dealing with technical obsolescence, implication for management of information system.




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