Seminar on 'Smart Products Using Advanced Electric Motor Technology and Driver System'

A seminar on `Smart Products Using Advanced Electric Motor Technology and Drive Systems' was held on 4th January, 2005 at UAP Auditorium. Dr. Kaiser Matin, Principal Engineer, Wave Crest Lab, Washington DC, USA presented the keynote paper. Dr. Matin focused on modern trends in Electric Motor Technology and Drive Systems. Electric Drive Systems have developed significantly in the last decade and being employed in electric vehicles. These Drive Systems are highly efficient and environment friendly. Advanced Electric Motors have wide range of applications, in washing machines, robots, mining devices, marine applications etc. These machines are much smaller in size, energy efficient, produce extremely low noise, thermally stable and can operate without cogging.   

Dr. A.M. Patwari, VC, UAP attended the function as chief guest. The seminar was jointly organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, UAP. The Hon’ able Senior Vice-Chairman of UAP foundation Mr. A. A. Moniruzzaman was also present in the seminar and presented gifts to Dr. Kaiser Matin.