English Department Faculty Member Presented at the 17th NELTA International Conference

Dhaka - February 21, 2012


English Department Faculty Member Presented at the 17th NELTA International Conference

Mr Takad Ahmed Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Department of English, presented a paper at the 17th NELTA International Conference held on 18-20th February, 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Organized by the Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA) as its most important annual international event, the conference offered a professional get together of a large number of ELT practitioners, experts, textbook/material writers, teacher trainers, etc. from both Nepal and many other parts of the world. Titled “Ensuring Fairness in Marking Students’ Writings: The Question of Inter-Marker Reliability”, his presentation attempted to analyze empirical evidences regarding the way students’ writings are marked by different markers. Addressing two questions - do all markers follow the same criteria while marking a piece of writing, and, do the test takers know the criteria used by the markers, his findings and recommendations provided some ideas with regard to inter-marker reliability.

Mr Takad Ahmed Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Department of English, is presenting at the 17th NELTA International Conference on 19th February, 2012 held in Kathmandu, Nepal.jpg

It is to be noted that, this time NELTA was proud to have Professor Rod Ellis, the leading educator and researcher on SLA and Teacher Education and author of numerous EFL/ESL textbooks, as one of the three key speakers besides Prof. Fredricka L. Stoller from Northern Arizona University, USA and Prof. Angi Maldarez from University of Leeds, UK. The theme of the Conference was ‘Beyond Binaries: Sharing ELT Practices and Creating the Future"